Understanding the concept of neuroticism - Naijahiblog.com


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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Understanding the concept of neuroticism

Gloria Ogunbadejo

A reader wrote in recently about a problem and after reading it, it triggered my memory about an article I wrote some time back addressing some of what the reader described in his letter. I am always very keen to receive letters from readers because I know if one person asks a question it means there will be others who have experienced something similar. I have revisited this topic below.

Dear Gloria,

I am writing to you as I am struggling with a problem that is getting worse and I think you might be able to help me. I have been reading your column for some time now and I think you are doing a great job addressing a very serious subject that we don’t like to talk about. Many Nigerians are suffering from poor mental health and don’t even know it. Please continue to write about it. I think you should be talking on the TV.

I am in a relationship with a woman I love very much but I am sensing I am going to destroy another good relationship as I have done in the past. I used to think I was just unlucky in love and wasn’t attracting the right woman. I have never had problems in meeting women. They always seem to think I am a nice guy but I can’t keep them. After a couple of years they always leave. My friends always make fun of me saying it is supposed to be the other way around and they ask me what I am doing to these women that they leave me.

It has only been over the last few years reading your column that I started thinking maybe I have some psychological issues that are manifesting in my relationships. My recent relationship is probably the best I have had because the woman fits everything I want in a woman, but I have seen the signs that it is going in the direction of all the others.

I am told I am very obsessive and constantly require assurances of love. I have been told this by all my past girlfriends but I dismissed it and said that should not be a problem if you love someone. I insist on getting affirmations from my present girlfriend and I know I get jealous very quickly a lot of the time, but again in my mind I feel this is an indication of loving someone.

I know I can also become attached to an idea of something negative and will become unable to alter my thinking about it even when I have a different experience of it. It feels as if my mind is just fixed and can’t switch to normal thinking. There are also problems with our intimacy which is causing serious problems. There are things I can’t do because I think I will fail at it and it is causing problems. If you share this letter in your column please do not include the sexual issues. I am not ready to make that public. I would be grateful if you could enlighten me about what I have described and tell me how to cope better. I don’t want to lose my woman.

— Name witheld

According to classical Freudian theory, neurosis is an emotional conflict – either expressed openly in anxiety or hidden beyond complex compensating mechanisms. It is a non neurological or non organic dysfunction.

Neurotic tendencies are common and may manifest themselves as depression, acute or chronic anxiety, obsessive-compulsive tendencies, phobias and even personality disorders. Simply put, it is the poor ability to adapt to one’s environment, an inability to change one’s life’s patterns and the inability to develop a richer more satisfying personality. The definitive symptom of neurosis is anxiety.

Neurosis is a normal human experience, part of the human condition. Most people are affected by neurosis in some form. Neurosis is different to psychosis which refers to loss of touch with reality.

A psychological problem develops when neurosis begins to interfere with but not significantly impair, normal functioning and as a result cause the individual anxiety. Frequently, the coping mechanisms enlisted to help ‘ward off’ the anxiety only exacerbates the situation, causing more distress.

According to psychoanalytic theory, neurosis may be rooted in ego defence mechanisms but the concepts are not synonymous. Defence mechanisms are a normal way of developing and maintaining a consistent sense of self (i.e. an ego) while only those thoughts and behaviour patterns that produce difficulties in living constitute neurosis.

The effects of neurosis may involve in addition to those mentioned above, sadness or depression, anger, irritability, mental confusion, low sense of self-worth; behavioural symptoms such as vigilance, impulsive compulsive acts; cognitive problems such as unpleasant or disturbing thoughts, repetition of thoughts, habitual fantasising, negativity and cynicism. Interpersonally, neurosis involves dependency and socio-culturally inappropriate behaviours.

You might observe a person, or you yourself might be aware of displaying certain traits in a rather exaggerated manner; which would constitute behaving in a neurotic manner. When confronted with situations where we feel insecure or threatened we tend to display neurotic behaviour. For instance, it is quite normal to feel jealous but sometimes we may become too anxious and start to think and act unreasonably to the point of being neurotic.  It means the manner of our thinking is distorted and we are unable to make fair judgements. Much unlike psychotics, neurotics have the ability to control their behaviour if they try.

We think and act the way we do because of our structure and environment, and even our thoughts are the result of, rather than the cause of these things. We are all creatures of need and we are born with this innate urge. We spend most of our lifetime striving to satisfy unfulfilled needs.

The primal needs of an infant which is to be fed, kept warm and dry, to be held, caressed and stimulated are the central reality of the infant and are normal healthy urges. The neurotic process begins when these needs go unmet for any length of time.

Unattended needs that persist to the point of intolerability are not separated from consciousness, but their sensations become relocated to areas where greater relief can be provided. Neurosis is symbolic behaviour in defence against excessive psychobiologic pain.

Neurosis is self-perpetuating because symbolic satisfaction cannot fulfil real needs. In order for real needs to be satisfied, they must be felt and experienced. Unfortunately, pain has caused those needs to be buried. When this burial takes place, a person then goes into a continuous state of ‘emergency alert’ which leads to a panic to find a resolution by any means possible.

The neurotic stays in this state of emergency alert as a way to survive, shutting down unmet bodily needs and feelings because the pain is too great to withstand.

The difference between a neurotic, a psychotic and a psychiatrist is that the neurotic builds castles in the air, the psychotic lives in them , and the psychiatrists collects the rent — Anonymous

Contents in this column are only meant as information and must not be used to diagnose or treatment of any ailment. If you think you are affected by any condition discussed here, please contact a health professional.

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Contact: theeditor@punchng.com


source http://punchng.com/understanding-the-concept-of-neuroticism/

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