Naked couple found dead in car -

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Monday, February 19, 2018

Naked couple found dead in car

A naked couple found dead in a car are believed to have suffocated after turning on the engine to keep warm while allegedly having sex.

The 39-year-old man and 44-year-old woman’s bodies were discovered by police in a locked garage in the city of Bottrop in western Germany’s North Rhine-Westphalia state.

Investigators said the naked couple, whose names have not been released, appeared to have turned on the car engine to get warm, leading to their suffocation.

Nobody had noticed the car engine had been left running for hours behind the metal gate of the garage which is located behind a commercial building.

Police opened the garage door because the man’s family had reported that he had been missing for days.

Meanwhile, officers in the city had also started an investigation into the woman’s sudden disappearance.

Police said there appeared to be no evidence of a crime but forensic scientists were working hard to establish exactly what happened. Tests are being carried out to ascertain CO levels in the blood of the couple

A police spokesman said, “At the moment all evidence points to an accident.

“To put all doubts to rest, the public prosecutor ordered an autopsy be performed on the bodies.”

(UK Mirror)


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