Dad is a hard worker, doesn’t know what the word retire means – Paul Unongo’s son -

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Saturday, March 31, 2018

Dad is a hard worker, doesn’t know what the word retire means – Paul Unongo’s son

Terkura is a son of a former Minister of Steel and ex-Chairman, Northern Elders’ Forum, Paul Unongo. He speaks with TOLUWANI ENIOLA about his father’s life and career

T ell us briefly about yourself.

I will be 20 in about four months. I am from a large family of over 22 siblings and I am the second to the last child of my father. I graduated from Hillcrest High School, Jos in Plateau State.

I’m currently working towards a degree in Politics, Economics and Law at the University of Buckingham in the United Kingdom. I am also an entrepreneur with a focus on the new media, real estate and agriculture. I have also been working actively for my father for the past 12 years, mainly as a secretary, an aide and an advisor.

How do you feel being the child of Paul Unongo?

I feel proud of all he has achieved. I think it is interesting to know that he started from the very bottom. He is from a very humble background. From a young age, my father developed the zeal to succeed through hard work. At the age of 13, he developed an interest in entrepreneurship by saving money which he earned from farming and small scale business. Through his wages, he was able to build a house for his mother.

He did jobs generally seen as degrading. He worked in the sewage system in Canada when he travelled there as a student. He literally was packing faeces on his head, in order to look after himself, wife and child at the time, alongside his parents and other relations. His life story shows that hard work pays. This tough but rewarding background has been a fantastic experience for me and my siblings to learn from. For all young people trying to succeed in life, I think his life is a good model to follow.

Tell us about his educational background.

He attended a middle school in Katsina-Ala, Benue State, with his friends like Gen. T. Y. Danjuma and co. He then proceeded to the famous Government College, Keffi, Nasarawa State, and then to the Nigerian College of Arts, Science and Technology, Zaria, known today as the Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.  After leaving Zaria, he moved to Canada, to the University of Alberta in Calgary and to the University of Edmonton for further studies.

I believe his training as a psychologist has benefitted him personally in all his dealings and interactions with people, be it in business, politics or even philanthropic/humanitarian work. This makes him a reservoir of wisdom as people seek counsel from him. His understanding of the human mind and interactions has been an asset.

What childhood memories did you share with your father?

I remember being on the road with him many times. Even now, we are on the road a lot. Back in the days when I was much younger, especially during campaigns, we would travel to rallies all over the place.  If I wasn’t sleeping on my mother, aunt or an older sister, I would hold his hand while he’s making speeches at 2am. I also remember there was a time we crossed a river somewhere with our car being rowed across. I was with him at some of his political outings, especially in 2003 and 2007.  I have known him as a father since I was born and I believe he’s a pretty good father. He meets up with all his responsibilities, cares for all his children and all other dependents.

Even at the age of 82, he still works to make sure we all get an opportunity to be whatever we have set our minds to be. He goes above and beyond to help us achieve our goals.

What are his likes?

He hates to see anyone suffer. Whoever you are, whether his child or not, doesn’t matter to him.  Irrespective of tribe or religion, he helps you, not for any personal gain but to try and make the world a better place.

There are many individuals across ethnic and religious lines in Nigeria, some of which are very notable personalities that can testify that he has played a major role in their successes.

How did he discipline his children?

He is a terrific father. I don’t really remember the punishment he gave me during my childhood years. I know when I did something wrong, we would have conversations about why what I did was wrong, and maybe, get penalised by having something I liked a lot, like my computer and toys, withdrawn from me for a while.

Where is he from?

He is from Unongo village in the Kwande Local Government Area of Benue State. Our village shares a boundary with Cameroon. On my mother’s side, due to intermarriages, we are even partially Cameroonian. I think as a pan-Africanist, he believes all African nations should maintain cordial relationships and have interactions that are beneficial to us all.

Was he the founder of the village?

By ‘found’, I will assume you are talking about the projects he has undertaken in the area to bring about some infrastructural and human capital development to help his people. I say this with all form of humility that he alone opened up a motorable road, built some schools, and insisted his people would be educated. Many people, not so surprisingly, refused and fought these Western reforms. Some embraced them and their children are reaping the benefits.

Would you say you are pampered being from a privileged background?

No, I’m sure you mean I have plenty of money. No! I won’t say I come from a rich background. We live fairly comfortably. God has been and continues to be very kind, but I won’t say we have plenty of money.  Being rich in Nigeria is being able to travel to exotic locations one wants to be; wearing all the big brands; having houses and cars built in precious stones and having tons of oil wells.

I think they are a few very rich people in Nigeria who can live that type of lifestyle; then there are the rest of us.  I have never been pampered. That you can get anything you want simply because you want it wasn’t part of my upbringing. I was trained to use what I have – innovation, hard, long and boring work – to achieve set objectives.

How does he relate with your mother at home?

He relates well with my mother. I think they complement each other quite nicely. I would say he is more of a visionary while she is pragmatic. I think he is a jovial person. He is a cheerful person both at home and outside. Being controversial doesn’t mean you are unfriendly. It only means you are intolerant of nonsense, in his case, to be specific, of immoral and wicked behaviour.  It is his stubbornness, in refusing to be compromised while fighting against injustice, that landed him in prison quite a number of times.

What did he tell you about his experience in prison?

He narrated some of his experiences, the torture and the methods used by the military and others in order to break his spirit. He has also, on different occasions, narrated multiple attempts on his life by certain powers that be, because he would not compromise his stand and how he escaped assassination attempts narrowly. I will say only what he will say, that God has truly been faithful to him. I feel God has protected my father jealously from the hands of those who would see him broken, or dead because throughout his life, he has been unfashionable by being an unrepentant thorn in the flesh of those who promote evil and injustice in Nigeria.

What did your father tell you about politics?

When I was much younger, he asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up. I told him I wanted to be a politician. He then said, “You don’t have to go to school to become a politician; you can become a doctor or something and then go do politics.”

I said yes, that I would like to be a doctor. I would go on and practise medicine for a few years, then, do business and get involved in government/politics, and formulation of public policy. But not too long ago, I realised that medicine wasn’t my calling.

What is his favourite food?

He loves his coffee and drinks it though he’s trying to become more of a tea person these days. He takes green teas, and other herbal teas because of their health benefits. He likes solid foods like pounded yam, wheat, semo etc. He’s not a lover of rice but enjoys it with sweet and sour chicken sometimes. He loves fish too.

What music does he listen to?

He loves music. I think I got my love of music from him. He listens to soul and jazz, especially those produced from the 1920s to the 1960s. We have many collections of singers such as Frank Sinatra, Nancy Sinatra, Peggy Lee, Nat King Cole, Ray Charles, Louis Armstrong, Shirley Bassey, Nina Simone and others. He loves good movies and TV shows. I think the favourite we enjoy together would be Netflix’s House of Cards, and Ebony Life’s Sons of the Caliphate.

Who are his role models?

His role models include the late Nnamdi Azikiwe, Kwame Nkrumah, John F. Kennedy, Joseph Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and a few others that I can’t recall right now.

Who are his best friends?

His best friends include his late sister, Cecilia Kwaghemba Unongo, Gen. T. Y. Danjuma, Prof. Ango Abdullahi and some others.

What are his secrets of keeping healthy?

His secret to keeping healthy I would say is his faith.  He has advanced in age but he is very strong. Mentally, I give him A1.

I mean, we used to have endurance sessions where we go on for days with little or no sleep working on papers and proposals. Most of the time, he even outdid me, a much younger person. But he tries to take it easy sometimes. He always tells me he doesn’t know what that word, ‘retire’ means. He is a hard worker that wants to keep on working till the Lord says, “My son, come home and rest.”

What are the lessons he taught you about life?

Some lessons I have learned from my father are hard work, faith, and that determination pays off. He also taught us to show mercy to those who treated us unjustly and to let our actions speak much louder than our words.

What is his assessment of Buhari’s government and does he think the President deserves a second term?

 I think his position is clear on that by looking at the various interviews he granted and papers he has written. I believe he values PUNCH newspaper a lot because he believes the paper always does its best to quote him correctly.

I believe he thinks the Buhari administration has done tremendously well in some areas but could make some improvements in other areas. On whether the President deserves a second term, I don’t think he believes it is a birthright. But President Buhari is a citizen of the country and has met all the requirements to stand for election and thus deserves to be allowed to stand for a second term if he so pleases.

It is the responsibility of Nigerians to decide, through their votes, whether he is to be elected again. Yes, he is happy with the efforts the government is making to handle the various security challenges across the country, but I think he believes more should be done.

Recently, he made some controversial statements which led to his stepping aside as the Leader of the Northern Elders Forum. Does he regret that decision?

I was quite relieved that he stepped aside, to be honest. We had discussions about it at home. From my analysis of the NEF as an organisation, personally, I concluded there are varying levels of enthusiasm among members to meet and address certain issues. I found it quite ridiculous that there would be varying levels of enthusiasm about certain pressing national issues with potentially very damaging consequences if not handled properly.  Understandably, the Northern Elders Forum is made up of very respectable personalities with varying political interests, whose levels of enthusiasm on different issues may vary because of their respective interests. So, we have serious problems on the ground, problems that ought not to be politicised.

I believe it was unlike my father to be part of a petty power play when lives and livelihoods are being lost and destroyed. No, he did not regret the decision to step aside. Clearly, the organisation has different priorities and needs a leader that would answer and respond in a certain way that they want, and he recognised this. So he stepped aside.

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