I desired to be a pilot first day I visited an airport — Ruth Adebanwo - Naijahiblog.com


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Saturday, March 31, 2018

I desired to be a pilot first day I visited an airport — Ruth Adebanwo

Sometime ago, it was almost unheard of to see a female Nigerian pilot. However, the status quo has been upturned and we now have some bold, hard working and disciplined female pilots.

In this issue, we speak with three female pilots, Ruth Adebanwo, Mary Ombugadu and Ranti Ogoyi, who are making strides in their careers

Ruth Adebanwo, speaks about her career, family and the aviation industry

What can you recall about your childhood?

I didn’t have such an interesting childhood. I am from Kwara State but I was born in Kaduna State and I lived with a cousin there because I didn’t grow up with my parents. Life was quite boring until my teenage years when I went to live with my parents.

Which schools did you attend?

For my elementary education, I attended Polytechnic Staff School in Kaduna. I later went to Labarin International School for my post-elementary studies though I only stayed there till Senior Secondary 1. From there, I went to Queens College in Ilorin for a year before going back to Labarin to complete my secondary education. I also did some short courses over the years.

Later on, after I had started working as a pilot, I realised that I wanted something more. I then went to study at the City University, London.

At what point did you decide that you wanted to become a pilot?

Shortly after my post-elementary education, I went with my brother to visit his friend at an airport. I saw some pilots discussing and when I enquired about what they did there, they explained to me. That was how I developed interest in flying and it has remained so till date. Initially, I wanted to become a surgeon but I changed my mind that day. I never looked back after then.

How was the experience while training to be a pilot?

I actually wanted to go and learn in US but I was denied visa on several occasions. In the interim, I went to the Nigerian College of Aviation in Zaria, Kaduna, to see what was going on there. Unfortunately, they were not conducting any training at that time but I kept going back there to find out when they would start training. Some of the staff there took interest in me because of my persistence and they advised me to apply for a three-month cabin crew course in 1997. Immediately after I concluded the course, I got a job with Chanchangi Airline as a cabin crew member. However, I never lost sight of my desire to fly and nothing else satisfied me. While working as a cabin crew, I kept trying to secure admission to schools abroad. Four years later in 2001, I eventually got admission to study in South Africa. I completed my studies and got my pilot licence in 2003 and when I came back to Nigeria, I secured a job with Julius Berger as a pilot. I worked with Julius Berger for two years until I got married and pregnant in 2005; so, I couldn’t fly for some time. In 2007, I secured a job with Aero Contractors and I worked there for about seven years. I got close to being a captain but I had some personal issues which made me resign from the company. In 2015, I got another job with Arik Air and I recently got the command of captain that I should have gotten many years ago.

What can you recall of your time at Julius Berger?

Flying has always been fun for me and I had a set of great people that we worked together. My captains then were all expatriates and they were wonderful people. I really enjoyed the experience.

Considering that you tried for over four years to get admission to a flying school, didn’t your family and friends discourage you?

Yes, there were people that tried to discourage me but the greatest support I had then was my mum. Pilot training  is very expensive, so my parents had to sell some of their properties so they could pay my school fees. People asked my parents why they were spending so much money on a girl. My parents told such people that their children choose their paths and that they (the parents) don’t interfere but provide guidance when needed. For me, that was the greatest form of support that I could have gotten. One lesson I learnt then was that it is very important to be patient. My mum always encouraged me and prayed with me whenever I felt down.

Didn’t you face discrimination in the North as a woman who wanted to become a pilot?

Discrimination is not peculiar to the North. Most of the people who tried to discourage me were the supposedly enlightened ones who came from the cities. No northerner discouraged me. Even now, when I fly, some men are usually curious and they keep asking me if I was the one that just flew the plane. I answer them in the affirmative and smile. Of course, if it was a man, they wouldn’t ask him those questions. They would just take it for granted that he is the one that flew the plane.

You’ve mostly spoken about your mom. What type of relationship did you have with your dad?

My parents are separated but my dad supported me in his own way. However, I lived with my mum; so, obviously, I spent more time with her than my dad. But whenever I asked my dad for anything, he never hesitated to do it for me.

Can you recall some funny experiences you’ve had while flying?

Yes, there have been times that some men expressed reservations at being flown by a woman. However, we have more female pilots now; people are becoming more comfortable with them. There were also times when male co-pilots would be so bewildered to learn that I was their co-pilot. It was only after I might have flown for some time and impressed them that they would be comfortable. I’ve also gotten feedback from the cabin crew that whenever passengers learn that they are being flown by women, they get agitated. However, in most other cases, the passengers always want to greet me when they discovered that it was a female pilot that just flew and landed the plane. They tell me that they enjoy the flight and that encourages me. I believe we are getting there. With time, people would get used to it.

How did you feel the first time you flew an aircraft?

I felt like throwing up. However, I got over it soon enough and it has been fun all the way.

What do you love most about flying?

I really cannot put a finger to it. When you are so passionate about something, you wouldn’t even be able to explain it. Even if I was sad, whenever I got into the airplane, I would become happy. I’m always happy when I’m in an airplane.

Do you fly locally or internationally?

Where I am right now, we fly locally. We also fly regionally to places such as Dakar and Rwanda.

Have you ever flown internationally?

In one of my past employments, I used to fly aircrafts to the UK for maintenance.

It is often said that expatriate pilots earn far more than their Nigerian colleagues. Do you agree?

That claim is not true. Every airline is different and I can only talk about the ones I have worked with. When I was with Aero Contractors, there was nothing like that. All the pilots (both Nigerian and foreign) had their contracts and everything was done properly because we had a union. For example, Nigerian pilots were required to work for five days in a week, while the foreign pilots had to work for six days. We also had maximum number of 75 hours to fly per week, while the expatriates had to fly for about 100 hours. With the above examples, you would see that the expatriates even had a bigger workload than their Nigerian counterparts. In monetary terms, we were also paid well back then. The conditions of service were okay and we didn’t even see the need to compare wages with our foreign colleagues.

What are some of the challenges that pilots face in Nigeria?

There are lots of challenges but the major one is equipment. The landing aids in Nigeria are not good. Some of the airports need to be updated. As you know that during the harmattan season, there are usually lots of flight cancellations due to poor visibility. If the landing aids are good, flights would continue unhindered even during those seasons. There are also radio issues. Sometimes, one could be on air and find it difficult to reach those on the ground; it could be really terrible.

What are some of the peculiar challenges that female pilots grapple with?

Lack of acceptability is the major challenge for female pilots. People need to accept us. The same thing the male pilot does is what we do. I have a small stature but that doesn’t count because I don’t have to physically lift the plane. I just have to control it. We should discard stereotypes that make it seem like some kind of jobs are not meant for women. Even some airlines are not disposed to employing female pilots. Airlines need to accept female pilots and help to raise more women pilots rather than discourage us. One of the reasons some airlines don’t like employing female pilots is they believe that the woman would get pregnant and have to take care of herself and baby. This would invariably mean time off work and that is what the airlines are trying to avoid. However, maternity leaves are not peculiar to the aviation industry. There are women in every field of human endeavour and it is common knowledge that they are granted maternity leave.

How do you maintain balance between your home and career?

On a personal note, I would say that is my biggest challenge; it can be quite stressful. It’s almost like I’m a housewife and career person at the same time. I don’t have anybody looking after my kids because I have had some issues with maids in the past. I’m not usually at home; so, I need someone to stay with them but I have not been able to get a reliable person.

Before I got married, life was easier and I was just enjoying myself because there weren’t many responsibilities. However, when one is married and has kids, it becomes more complicated and difficult. I am lucky because I’m married to someone that is supportive. I don’t know what I would have done if I wasn’t married to him.

Is your husband a pilot?

No, he is not. On the day I got into the aviation industry, I decided that I wasn’t going to get involved with anybody. I cannot imagine discussing aviation in the office, then get home at night to discuss the same thing.

What are your plans beyond flying?

I don’t want to fly till I get to the retirement age. My plan is to move into other areas of aviation. I really want to make an impact in the industry, especially in the area of safety.

What’s your relationship with other female pilots in the industry?

Our relationship is very good. We all belong to a group and we chat a lot. We get so excited when any new person comes in. We try to encourage one another whenever there are issues.

What are the highlights of your career?

I believe that every day is special but one memorable day is when I was decorated as a captain. People were excited about it and that got me attracted too.

What are your hobbies?

I like relaxing and going out with my family. I also like to read and watch movies.

Away from work, how do you like to dress?

I like to look simple and comfortable.

Do you like cooking?

I don’t like cooking but I always have to cook.

What advice do you have for young girls out there who want to become pilots?

Go after your dreams and don’t be discouraged by what people say. You would have challenges but have it at the back of your mind that others before you had those same challenges and they succeeded. While in training school, some of the men in my class told me later that I always motivated them because if I (a girl) could do it, then they could do it as well.

Flying a plane makes me feel I can conquer the world  —Mary Ombugadu

Mary Ombugadu, speaks about her career and other issues

What are some of the most memorable experiences of your childhood?

I grew up in Kurra Falls, a ward (Gashish district) in Barkin Ladi, Plateau State. All our taps run and we had constant electricity supply from NESCo; a luxury I had no idea is non-existent in the big cities (laughs). I spent weekend with my grandmother and played a lot. My parents joined in and played with us and we shared good laughs.

What schools did you attend?

For my elementary school, I attended Eliztor Private School, Barlin Ladi, Plateau State.  I went to St. Louis College, Jos, Plateau State, for my post-elementary education. I also attended the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria, Kaduna State.

What were your childhood ambitions?

I always wanted to be an Engineer like my father. I love flying and I’m grateful it found me.

When was the first time you knew you wanted to become a pilot?

I like to say that flying found me. I didn’t want to become a pilot. I was at the Aviation College, Zaria, to apply for Aeronautical Telecommunications Engineering or Airframe and Powerplant Engineering course but the school didn’t have an evaluation exam for the engineering schools. So, I was advised to try the flying school (Standard Pilot Course) exam which was three months from the time of my application and I did.

Which schools did you attend to qualify as a pilot?

I attended the Nigerian College of Aviation Technology, Zaria, Kaduna State, and I was at the Finnish Aviation Academy, Finland; FlightSafety in the USA; South Africa and CAE in the UK for further training.

Did your parents support your ambition?

My mother was very supportive from day one. I later got my father to buy into the idea and now, there are times when I feel he is more enthusiastic about my career than I am.

While growing up in Plateau State, weren’t you exposed to prejudices about female education?

There’s not much prejudice about female education in Plateau State. Being that it is the ‘home of peace and tourism’, it has gained so much in exchange from tourists’ interaction and exposure. In Kurra Falls, for instance, the only two government primary schools had female headmistresses until I left home.

However, people show concern that ladies, who venture into male-dominated industries, may not marry and have their own families though. That is not true. Having left home in pursuit of my flying career, I have come across women who are doing just great and they are married with children.

Have you had funny experiences with passengers who expressed reservation about being flown by a female?

Yes, only a few times though. Most of the passengers get excited and ask to take pictures with us. I have heard some women say they want to encourage their children at home by telling them the lady in the picture flew them. Most of the passengers stop to say “thank you” while disembarking and I find that very encouraging.

How did you feel the first time you flew an aircraft?

For me, there are no words to describe the feeling but I shall try. It felt heavenly and it still does.

What do you love most about being a pilot?

It gives me the feeling that I can conquer the world. The discipline of doing things by the books; keeping to time as every second counts; the opportunity to travel and see the world; interaction with people from different parts of the world, and eating different foods. It’s really amazing.

What is your work history?

I have been a corporate pilot for the most part of my flying career. I did a bit of airline flying for about a year, and I hope to do more of it in the future, preferably long-haul flights.

How do you find balance between your job and your personal life?

My work is flexible. Though I’m still single, I’ve seen my female colleagues manage both very well and comfortably so, using all the help they can get.

Who are your role models and the people who have influenced you?

I look up to many of my seniors colleagues but the first ones I came across made lasting impact on me, especially Captain Jim Hassan, and my flight school instructor, Instructor Shettima Jato.

What are your hobbies?

I love travelling, reading, cooking, and of course, eating good food.

Considering your busy schedule, how often do you get to spend time with your family?

I work three to four days a week and that leaves me with good enough time to take care my private life, family inclusive.

What are the most important lessons you have learnt in the course of your career?

I have learnt to never give up until I get what I want, for my latter will be greater than my past. I will be blessed more than I could ask.

What are some of the personal qualities that have helped you get to this point?

I know how to work according to instructions. I don’t quit once I start working on a project. Whenever I see someone without a smile, I try to cheer them up.

What words of advice do you have for young girls out there who dream of becoming pilots?

You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Stay focused and apply yourself. Remember, patience is a virtue.

Are you in any relationship?

None, for now. Hopefully, soon!

What kind of qualities do you like in an ideal man?

I like my man strong, stable, godly, dependable, fatherly, intelligent, kind and he should have a great sense of humour.

I’ve never faced discrimination as a female pilot — Ranti Ogoyi

Ranti Ogoyi shares her experience flying aircrafts

When did you develop the love for flying?

I have always loved flying from a young age when we used to go on trips with our parents. I realised that I had never seen a lady in the cockpit; so, that made me keen to become a female pilot.

What can you recall of your childhood?

I am from Osun State but I grew up in Lagos.

How would you describe the experience you went through before becoming a pilot?

I wouldn’t say it was an easy task. However, if you believe in something, then you have to go for it.

Which institutions did you attend?

For my elementary education, I attended Pampers School in Lagos. I enrolled at Mordern Age College for my post-elementary education. For my pilot training, I went to Phoenix East Aviation in Daytona Beach, Florida.

Did your parents support your career choice from the outset?

At first, they were a bit skeptical but in the long run, they realised that it was what I had passion for and they let me be.

Have there been instances where some people felt uncomfortable being flown by a woman?

I have never experienced any of that. I have always been welcomed with open arms.

How long have you been a pilot?

I have been flying for about eight years now. The first job I got in the industry was with Air Nigeria. Right now, I work with Arik Air.

What are some of the challenges you face as a pilot?

I believe there are challenges on every job; it is not peculiar to the aviation industry alone. Sometimes, you could have challenges even with the members of your team. Your equipment also has to be working fine, both in the plane and on the ground. Whenever challenges come, the logical thing to do is to face them.

How did you feel the first time you flew a plane?

I felt very excited; it was so much fun. I always love being in the sky.

Do you share the opinion that expatriate pilots are better remunerated than their Nigerian colleagues?

Expatriates leave their families and countries of origin behind to go and work in another country; they should be treated well. I believe that if you travel to another country to work, you will also be treated well there.

How do you make a work-life balance?

I believe that it is important to follow rules and play the game correctly.

How much time do you get to spend with your family?

I create time for my family because they are my number one priority. Thankfully, my husband is a pilot; he knows the sacrifices that one has to bear.

Did you set out to marry a pilot?

No, it wasn’t planned.

How do you unwind?

I hang out with my friends.

Do you often have time to cook?

Yes, I love cooking. As a matter of fact, it is my hobby.

What’s your relationship with other female pilots?

We have a very good relationship with one another.

What advice do you have for youths who aspire to become pilots?

Make sure you are passionate about it; otherwise, you would be frustrated.

How do you like to dress?

I like to dress in anything that is comfortable and free.

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source http://punchng.com/i-desired-to-be-a-pilot-first-day-i-visited-an-airport-ruth-adebanwo/

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