Some days ago my landlord used rat poison to kill the small rats wrecking havoc in his apartment, He then gathered the dead rats and disposed them in the same plot of land that doubles as our refuse bin and a safe haven for the slithery creature. Just this evening we discovered that the snake was lying stone dead in the refuse bin haven probably fed on the poisoned rats. A critical observation revealed a decomposing portion in its abdomen arguably resulting from a secondary poisoning from the rats it fed on. How the mighty have fallen easily.
Petrol and rags have been used to burn up the remains to avoid the poignant smell that will infiltrate the atmosphere if it is allowed to putrefy.
NB: No pepper soup things on this as I wont have been alive to type this.

Fellow Nairalanders what specie of snake is this? Is it venomous? Please manage my camera quality.
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