What Is The Penalty Given To A Man Who Didn't Pay His Lady's Dowry Before She Died? - Naijahiblog.com


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Thursday, June 11, 2020

What Is The Penalty Given To A Man Who Didn't Pay His Lady's Dowry Before She Died?

Hello Nairalanders, its been a while I was in a grieved and depressed mood, trying to gain back my self.

Let's go straight to the topic.
I will really love you guys to help with your good takes on this issue.

Please don't mind my poor grammar.

Sometimes last year, I was in a relationship with this young pretty girl and later she became pregnant for me. Which I had in mind that we will marry in the nearest future but, yet to settle her bride price.
Though, we really loved each other, I devoted 90% of my effort and time for her genuinely.

Even one of her brothers has met me in different occasions asking when I will see the family but I told him, due to my Assignment and duty location once I settle down I will do that unfailingly.

Let me cut the whole story short.

During her delivery period she passed on while giving birth. I wasn't expecting that though I was really mad. May her soul rest in peace

I asked the brother what will be the next move, he said is to take her home and bury her. within me (just like that?) I couldn't control my tears We took her home and buried her few hours later.

On the fourth day of the burial, my parents asked the brothers and sisters both the elders. so what next they said nothing, after the burial everyone can leave. That was their reply.

My parents was like what of the other side? They said see, we don't want to bother your son we know how they were before the girl died, they really loved each other... If we ask you to pay anything. There is no amount of money paid that will bring back our sister's life so forget, what you people need to do, just stay, observe some rites and traditions like to buy drinks take care of the families and friends.. Till after the normal 8days everyone leaves.

Although, had it been it's in some places the family might not take it likely with me..
I must marry their daughter first,buy wrapper, pay her dowry, pay for the death, I must also prove innocence.

Now the question is, What is the punishment given to a man who didn't pay her lady's dowry before she died in your Place?

In Addition to that, is there any spiritual implications attached to it if a man didn't pay a lady's dowry before she died... Because I'm just scared.

Mod. please I need many takes on this. It will help a brother.

source http://www.nairaland.com/5917360/what-penalty-given-man-didnt

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