Five Things Every Christian Should Know About Prayer -

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Five Things Every Christian Should Know About Prayer

The place of prayer is the place where we express our heart desires to God. In other words, we commune with God and He communicates His intentions to us as we pray to Him (Jer. 33:3). Jesus, our model, started His ministry with prayer and ended it with prayer. Therefore, in life, prayer is unavoidable for every Christian in their walk with God. We are to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17).

Owning to the foregoing, we are to consider, five truths/things that we must understand about prayer.

(1) Prayer Is An Investment

Acts 10:4 (AMP)

...And the angel said to him, your prayers and your [generous] gifts to the poor have come up [as a sacrifice] to God and have been REMEMBERED BY HIM.

Cornelius was a captain of the Italian Regiment, who had an enviable prayer life. He was a kind of man who prayed REGULARLY not once in a while. He had been praying like this before and it was not recorded that he had any angelic visitation in his vision. But he kept praying!

Until one day, an angel told him that all his prayers have been remembered. You know you must have seen someone in the past, before you remember such person.

So, God had seen Cornelius enough in the place of prayer that he remembered him. Therefore, a regular and consistent prayer-life is an investment which cannot be forgotten or overlooked by God.

We are serving a meticulous God who knows the number of our hair (Matt. 10:30). So, I implore you to start investing in your spiritual account. Start investing! Invest massively so as to reap massively.

(2) Prayer Is Mandatory Not Optional

1 Thessalonians 5:17 (KJV)

Pray without ceasing.

No one can receive anything except it is given to him freely from Above (John 3:27). Also, every good and perfect gift comes from above, from the Father of light (James 1:17). Therefore, prayer is mandatory for those who would love to receive every good thing in life from the Father of Light, not from the father of darkness.

Please, prayer is not optional. Kingdom Generals are those who have mastered the art of praying consistently until results are evident in their lives and ministries. You must see prayer the way you see food and water.

The main reason many say they do not have time to pray is that they see prayer as unimportant. At times, we get busy to the extent that we do not have time to eat. Due to the importance of food, we create time to eat. My counsel to you, is to create time to pray because prayer is important for everyday's triumph.

(3) Joint Prayer Is Not A Substitute To Personal Prayer

Acts 10:9 (NIV)

About noon the following day as they were on their journey and approaching the city, PETER WENT UP ON THE ROOF TO PRAY.

If you ready Acts 4:24, Peter was among the Apostles who prayed together and the place where they prayed was shaken. Yet Peter was the type who found time to pray personally.

Apostle Peter must have learnt this from Jesus, his master, who would often withdraw to a solitary place to pray. What exactly is my point here? Do not neglect your personal altar of prayer. There are revelations that will come to you when you pray alone that may never come to you while you pray with others.

Summarily, joint prayer is not a substitute to personal prayer. You should have a strong personal prayer life.

(4) Prayer Of Faith Guarantees Undeniable Results

James 5:15 (KJV)

And the PRAYER OF FAITH shall save the sick...

Oftentimes, when we pray, we pray with doubts in our hearts. God does not want us to do this while praying because a doubtful man will receive nothing from him (James 1:6-cool.

However, when we pray in faith, undeniable results are guaranteed. You must believe that God is able to do more than what you want to ask from Him. It is not enough to pray but we are to pray to God with absolute faith in Him.

(5) Prayer Provokes Divine Guidance

Jeremiah 33:3 (KJV)

Call to me and I will answer thee, and SHEW THEE GREAT AND MIGHTY THINGS, which thou knowest not.

God is committed to revealing deep secrets to you as you pray to Him. His Word is yea and Amen. He will surely reveal Himself to you, if you can pray consistently to Him. His Word is settled in heaven forever. Daniel became a man that was entrusted with mysteries of the end-time because he was a man who prayed three times a day.

The more Daniel prayed, the more he received revelations from God. Also, Cornelius was guided on how salvation would come to his household because he was a prayerful man. So, pray continually!

Stay blessed!

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