Five Ways You Can Identify A Good Church To Attend -

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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Five Ways You Can Identify A Good Church To Attend

Finding a good church to attend has been an herculean task these days. It is not because there is no church to attend.

The truth is, different types of denomination are springing up daily with self-acclaimed General Overseers.

Attending Church is one of the responsibilities of true believers. Because we are not to forsake the gathering of the saints.

However, if we are to attend a church. We need to attend a good one.

In this article, I have come up with what a good Church is expected to have as specified by the Scriptures.

Five Signs Of A Good Church
#Good Church
• The Word

Acts 6:2
[2]Then the twelve called the multitude of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reason that we should leave the WORD OF GOD and serve tables.

No matter how massive the members of a particular denomination are. Don’t join that Church because they have many members.

You do not need to join any denomination that has time for frivolities and unnecessary celebration that deprives her members of the Word.

God’s Word should be given core value in any denomination.

And it is not just about preaching the Word. Is there doctrine right?

Is what the Church preaching in line with God’s Word? A good fellowship is the one who believes that Jesus is the saviour of the world.

More so, there are some ministries where members take turns in giving their offering. They will waste hours collecting all kinds of offerings.

Time For The Word
But, the time given for the Word of God to be preached will be 10 or 15 minutes. Such assembly is not a good one.

Believers are to live by the Word that comes out of the mouth of God.

So, we are not to live by stories shared by so-called men of God. No story should replace the efficacy of God’s Word.

Don’t go to an assembly because they serve you rice and chicken every Sunday.

Unarguably, If you know the Word, you’ll enjoy the Lord and every other things will be added to you.

• Prayer
Acts 6:4
[4]But we will give ourselves CONTINUALLY TO PRAYER, and to the ministry of the word.

Prayer is the sustainer of every ministry. In the days of the Apostles, they did not only preach the Word.

They also prayed to the extent that the place where they met was shaken (Acts 4;31).

Going to an assembly of believers that does not believe in prayers will not enable you to develop close relationship with God.

As you hear the Word, you will sense the need to pray more on some issues.

Despite the fact that, prayer has been abused by some denominations. We still need to attend a prayerful Church.

When we pray, we pour our hearts out to God. Any believer that is not prayerful will become a prey to the devil.

Therefore, you can identify a good Church through her attitude towards the subject of prayer.

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• Evangelism
Acts 5:42
[42]And daily in the TEMPLE, and in EVERY HOUSE, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus Christ.

Honestly, the early Church did not just preach in the temple. They also preached from house to house.

Many denominations have failed in this area. A good ministry must have a strong evangelism team.

Evangelism should not be sent to relegation in any ministry.

Additionally, some denominations have omitted the subject of evangelism in their teachings.

Don’t forget, we are sent to preach the good news throughout the World.

And that’s the main of purpose of establishing a Church. A good ministry should seek the lost and bring them to the light of Christ.

Basically, any ministry who fails in this area should not be considered a good fellowship.

• Love Is The Hallmark Of A Good Church
1 Corinthians 13:8
[8]Charity never faileth….

Charity which implies love never fails. A good fellowship should be a place where you can receive love from people.

In other words, Jesus brought love to this world as he sacrificed himself for the whole world.

He once fed over five thousand people in a crusade. On several occasions, he ate with his disciples.

Many times, He accommodated their unbelief and errors. Truly, he is the Chief Shepherd.

Also, in the days of the Apostles, they shared what they had equally. That was a demonstration of love.

Again, a good gathering of the saints should provide a support system for her members.

Importantly, the poor should be catered for as we will always have them around us.

If the assembly you want to attend does not display love to her members. You may not enjoy your fellowship with them.

• Zero Tolerance For Worldliness
James 4:4
[4]Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.

Listen, the Church Jesus Christ died for should not be associated with anything called worldliness.

Candidly, your basis for attending an assembly should not be for enjoyment of beats and comedy.

Frankly, any good gathering should feed her members messages that will make them abstain from worldliness.

Sadly, these days, the church has now become the center of unending entertainment galore.

Beware of any Church that has good and superlative edifice but does not abhor unscriptural practices.

By attending a worldly Church your attention will be drawn to the things of the world.

Also, you will want to get more money, fame and positions at the expense of your soul.

Dear believer, be careful!

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• Seek not to attend a Chapel that is well built and furnished but has little tolerance for God’s Word.

• It is unscriptural for a Church to totally neglect evangelism.

Evangelism should be the core purpose of every ministry.

• See, don’t attend a Church because of comedy, entertainment and food. Go there because of the Word and prayer.

• Let the Lord lead you to a good Church. Don’t be in a hurry to attend any Church. Pray before you choose one.

I hope this blessed you? Let me know your thought through the comment section below.



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