Trump Cheered As He Drives Through "Million MAGA March" Rally In Washington DC (Pics) -

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Sunday, November 15, 2020

Trump Cheered As He Drives Through "Million MAGA March" Rally In Washington DC (Pics)

Donald Trump was cheered by crowds as his motorcade passed by the ‘Million MAGA March’ in Washington, DC.

Supporters for the president swarmed around the convoy of cars as he travelled from the White House to his golf club in Virginia.
Mr Trump, wearing a red hat, could be seen waving from the back of one of the vehicles.
On Friday the president tweeted: “Heartwarming to see all of the tremendous support out there, especially the organic Rallies that are springing up all over the Country, including a big one on Saturday in D.C. I may even try to stop by and say hello.

The White House pool reports that the motorcade was greeted by applause, cheers, waving and whistles from the hundreds of Trump supporters lining both sides of the street.

They punched the air, took pictures with phones and held signs that included “Best prez ever” and “Stop the steal”.

A number of flags were also visible, including: 'Trump 2020: Keep America great', 'Trump 2020: No more bullshit', 'All aboard the Trump train!', 'Women for Trump', and 'Trump 2020: Pro life, pro God, pro gun'.
The motorcade passed the Willard Hotel and did a circuit of Freedom Plaza, where people had climbed on walls and other structures for a better view.
Some ran excitedly after the motorcade. There were chants of "USA! USA!", "We want Trump! We want Trump!" and "Four more years! Four more years!"

Many of the people who had gathered in the plaza wore red, white and blue flag patterns and a stand had been set up to sell merchandise as if at a Trump rally.

One man had on a t-shirt that said: "I'm deplorable."

A number of groups and demonstrations planned to head to the capital on Saturday to protest the election result in what was billed as the ‘Million MAGA March’.

“People want to show up and have their voice heard,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany told Fox on Thursday, when asked about the event. “I mean this president — look, he got more votes than any Republican nominee, or for president I should say, in the history of our country and indeed he got more Republican votes as any nominee in the history of our party back in 2016.”
The president did not win the presidential election, and in all likelihood lost the popular vote by millions, but he and his allies have continued to claim without evidence Democrats cheated the results in statements and a series of flagging lawsuits around the country.

The event is expected to attract a broad cross-section of Trump-supporting factions, including violent far-right gorup the Proud Boys, radical anti-government vigilante groups like the Oath Keepers and Three Percenters, followers of conspiracy-peddling outlet Infowars, alt-right activists, neo-Nazis, as well other supporters of the president.

DC authorities and Parks Police are monitoring the demonstrations with Mayor Muriel Bowser saying that they will be there to support the peaceful exercise of First Amendment demonstrations.
A series of counter protests and events are also planned by local anti-fascist and anarchist groups.

The president has since arrived at his golf course in Stirling, Virginia, where he was greeted by a small number of supporters on one side of the street and an equal number of protesters on the other.

The latter group held up a big 'Biden Harris' sign and one that said: 'We voted. You're fired'.

This is Mr Trump’s 282nd game of golf since taking office.

See Video


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