Six Reasons You Should Accept Jesus As Lord And Saviour -

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Sunday, May 16, 2021

Six Reasons You Should Accept Jesus As Lord And Saviour

Many times we have heard of Preachers talk about the need to accept Jesus as your lord and saviour in order to avoid hell but today I'm here to let you into some uncommon reasons why you need to embrace Jesus and after you are done reading this, you will definitely agree with me so here we go.

1. Don't be deceived, nobody truly loves you:

I believe you will be wondering if indeed nobody truly loves you but this is the simple truth. If you die today, nobody will follow you to the grave. Your Mum or Dad if still alive will definitely move on with their lives, your kids will move on, that your Girlfriend ,boyfriend, husband or wife that professes how they deeply love and can't live without you will move on faster than you can ever imagine with another person. Your friends and family members will only remember you once in a while and within a space of a week to a month, 99% of those you think love you so much will forget you ever existed.

But the only Person who truly loves you is Jesus so much that he laid down his life to save you and he will never give up on you as long as you have him as your lord and saviour.

2. Nothing that you have worked for or will work in this world is truly yours except your soul.

I believe this is very straightforward. It is ok to make billions whilst on earth, it is cool to be very wealthy and enjoy your life but as you do these you must always have it in mind that all you have, your money, cars, mansions, businesses, everything you have ever worked for in this life actually belong to someone else because you can only enjoy your lot for some time but one day you must leave everything to another person who may even squander everything but one thing that is yours forever is your soul. Your Soul never dies but with Jesus as your lord and saviour, your soul is forever secured and when you die, you care less about what you left behind because eternity with Jesus is over a trillion times more worthy than your earthly treasures.

Solomon said in Ecclesiastes 2:18-19

"I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me.  And who knows whether that person will be wise or foolish? Yet they will have control over all the fruit of my toil into which I have poured my effort and skill under the sun. This too is meaningless."

3. A pauper on earth with Christ is richer than all the billionaires of the world put together.

A pauper who has Jesus as lord and saviour is richer than all the combined rich men on earth without Jesus. This is very simple. King Solomon in this present day world is worth about $2Trillion which means all the networth of the ten richest men in the world is just about a tithe of his wealth yet he called all the wealth he had Vanity, a chase after the wind.. Because he had the epiphany of salvation which transcends beyond all the wealth in the world..

The bible made us understand that heaven is adorned with mansions made of gold, precious stones and even the streets of paradise are made of pure gold.....Revelation 21 :21 ''The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each gate made of a single pearl. The great street of the city was of gold, as pure as transparent glass.'' Now you need to understand this part for you to have a very clear picture of what we are talking about here...

We are talking about a perfect cubical golden city of unequivocal grandeur that is 1500miles long,1500miles wide and 1500miles high.. This means it will take an average Boeing 747 cruising at 300miles per hour about 15 hours to fly across the length, the breadth and height of this amazing golden city Now think about much in earthly currency do you think will be enough to construct such a city of precious stones, Rear type of gold and Mansions of unequivocal quality?

If you die as a pauper but you have Jesus as lord and saviour, you automatically become extremely wealthy the moment you step your feet in paradise where you have access to mansions of unequivocal splendour, streets of gold and lots more but if you die as a billionaire without Jesus, you automatically lose all your status as you will never have access to paradise.

4. Your life here on earth is too short to enjoy the real life.

Do you know that 1000 years on earth is like a day in heaven? 2Peter 3:8 ‘But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.'' ....So imagine yourself living on earth for even 100years it means you have only lived for 2hours 4mins in God's eyes but our souls have the ability to live beyond space and time so why not accept Jesus as lord and saviour and experience the phenomenal life, a life of eternity, a life without end and the best part is that you will live forever as royalty in a paradise.

5. You deserve more than the three hypocritical words and 10seconds silence.

One of the most hypocritical words ever written or said to someone is REST IN PEACE...even those who hate you and wish you dead will say and write these words once you are gone...and the minute silence which is actually 10seconds silence will be accorded to you that is if you are important enough to get that at any time...So after these words, what next? they forget you, some rejoice that you are gone and those close to you will start looking at the benefits of your death...But as long as you have Jesus as your lord and saviour, you care less even if the person that killed you wished you a peaceful eternal rest as you are already enjoying your eternal life with Christ in paradise.

6. You will be the one pitying the living when you die in Christ

Often times when people die, the rest of the world weeps and they get so sad because of this but the funny twist is that anyone who dies in Christ is in a better place, a place where there is no sorrow, weeping, pain, poverty, bad governance, unemployment .....and if those who die in Christ could communicate with those weeping on earth, they would gladly tell them to save their tears and in fact, they will be the ones to pity those who are still on this sinful, dangerous and wicked world.

It pays to have Jesus as your lord and saviour so the question is....''Will you accept him this moment?'' If Yes just read the words below out wherever you are on the surface of the earth and you will be saved.


If you read these words out i say Congratulations. Your name is now written in the book of life. Don't ever give up your salvation because Jesus will never give up on you.



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