How Bad Nigerians Are Worsening Relations Between Nigeria And UAE -

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Saturday, July 31, 2021

How Bad Nigerians Are Worsening Relations Between Nigeria And UAE

I am sorry I haven’t created new videos for some time. I have been busy with work and daddy duties lol.

However, the deteriorating relations between Nigeria and UAE prompted me to make this video. It has never been this worse and it keeps getting critical every day. If we don’t address this issue faster, soon, average Nigerians won’t be able to visit UAE, not to mention getting jobs and staying there.

The Nigerians living in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and also other regions of the country would be targeted by the police and Arab citizens.

I have been in living in UAE for several years and I can authoritatively tell you that Nigeria has always been a good ally of UAE right from time. Nigerians come here to invest, buy goods, houses, for vacations etc. It was good business for everybody (We still do though).

We were also highly popular and respected for our football prowess. Ask any average Arab citizen on the road about Nigeria and he/she will mention our legendary footballers like Okocha, Kanu, Amokachi, Rashidi Yekini etc.

How did the problem start by the way? No it’s not the Nigerian government, the issue is largely due to the activities of unscrupulous Nigerians and other Africans in the UAE which has battered our reputation over time. Let’s look at some factors and instances.

2014 Nigerian Armed Robbery
This armed robbery carried out by Five Nigerians at an exchange bank in UAE signified the beginning of the end of Nigerians’ good standing with Dubai.

From my personal experience and research, the 2014 robbery incidence would be the first major armed robbery experience in UAE. The Nigerians carted away millions of dirhams but were caught and prosecuted.

The robbery incidence gained domestic and international exposure, and with it comes damaging problems for the Nigerian image. It was the first time the name Nigeria would start being known for crime in the UAE. It was so grave that around that time, UAE stopped issuing Visas to Nigerians.

Another prevailing issue destroying Nigeria’s image is the high rate of Nigerian ladies into prostitution in the state. We can’t blame these ladies entirely because some of them were trafficked and tricked by conmen who promised them jobs upon arrival.

However, they were met with the harsh realities of selling their bodies before they can even eat. Many also come unprepared and because they couldn’t get jobs and don’t want to face “embarrassment” at home, they go into prostitution.

The most disappointing thing is that they sell their bodies cheaply. When I came here, it was general knowledge that with at least 20 dirhams, you can sleep with African especially Nigerian prostitutes.

It would interest you to know that the first advice I was given by a Nigerian, a popular Nairalander when I landed in Dubai is to go into the prostitution business as a love-vendor. Lol, rent a house, bring girls from Nigeria, ensure they sleep in the house and pay me commission as returns on my investment. Very bad.. More about this in the video.

Public Fighting: Cultists taking their madness overseas, fight in clubs, on the streets etc., you know the drill.

Bad Work Ethics: Nigerians stealing money at work, committing other offences and giving their UAE employees a bad experience. This spoils the chances of other honest and hardworking Nigerians looking for jobs in the country. Now it is not uncommon to find UAE companies publicly stating that Nigerians are not allowed in their companies.

Hushpuppi: Won’t go into much details about this. Everybody heard the news. As it was popular over there in Nigeria, the story of Hushpuppi’s infamous lifestyle and grand arrest is also widely known here. More bad for Nigeria’s image. Tell a UAE citizen that you are from Nigeria and he/she will be like “oh Hushpuppi country.”

Foreigner’s Activities: Because Nigeria is now almost synonymous to crime in UAE, we have had experiences of other African nationals disguising as Nigerian citizens when they commit crimes. Recently there was a robbery incident, it was widely reported to be carried out by Nigerians.

It was later when the police carried out their investigations and caught the thieves that they realized that they were Cameroonians and not Nigerians. There are more cases like this, some of which I have personally experienced.

I don’t want this article to be too long to make it easier and faster to read, so I won’t be able to cover more than this here. However if you want to know more or planning to come to UAE soon, please watch the video. Liking and subscribing on my channel will go a long way too. Thanks.

What can we do to get out of this? Now many Nigerians are in UAE on a three month visa. Because of this prevailing issue, they would never get jobs, they will overstay their visa and most will become illegal.

I made some recommendations for the UAE Government at the end of the video. It will affect lots of people, but those are what I could think of.

The cycle continues and more headache for Nigeria and Nigerians living in Diaspora. What are your solutions?

You can check the source for more information and please don't send me a pm. Rather a comment on the video will be seen and addressed.

Thank you



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