Are There Any Dance Steps From Hell? -

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Sunday, September 26, 2021

Are There Any Dance Steps From Hell?

Are There Any Dance Steps From Hell?

I have heard some say in the past that breakdancing is a mimicking of how people who were burning in hell fire shook their bodies. Also heard someone say that the sliding dance of Micheal Jackson is how demons in hell walk.

I can't really say how true such claims are but what I can say is that when Satan appeared to me, I observed that he didn't walk but glide, so that could be what they meant.

What I am certain about though is that there are some dance steps that do not glorify God but the devil.

For instance, when the "yahoozee" dance was trending, I wasn't comfortable with it at all as a follower of Christ, because it encouraged cheating, fraud and corruption which was sinful and against the Word of God.

There's also the "soapy" dance which was trending of recent despite that it encouraged masturbation and sexual immorality.

Those are just some instances in my opinion of dance steps which glorify the devil, hence I believed it was wrong for a Christian to do them just because they are trending and what everyone else was doing, because they do not glorify God but pass across a message that goes contrary to His Word.

I wouldn't be surprised though if some of them were actually devised in hell, because of how immoral some of the messages they passed across were, as Satan savors the things which be of men, because they serve his interest of making people to fall into sin, which accords him more room to exploit in them with his destructive instinct. Matthew 16:23, John 10:10.

Although i am someone that really loves dancing a lot, I dance freestyle most of the time. I no send anybody or trendy dance steps, so unless I'm sure a dance style is not that which would glorify the devil or pass across a message which goes contrary to the Word of God, that's only when I'd do it.

I strongly believe that it's not everything the world does that Christians should follow, since they're not meant to be of the world but of the Kingdom of God. And that includes dance steps.

God bless.


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