Some Tricks The Devil Can Use To Stop You From Succeeding -

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Sunday, December 12, 2021

Some Tricks The Devil Can Use To Stop You From Succeeding

According to God's word the plan and ministry of the devil is in three folds, to kill, steal and to destroy. But the confidence we have God has given us a means to stand our guard against him.
In the book of 2Corinthians 2:11 the Niv version.
in order that Satan might not outwit us. For we are not unaware of his schemes.
You must be aware of his schemes so you can defeat him or chase him far from you. And I listed four schemes/devices the devil can use to keep you stagnant

1. Sleep: the old fool will always make you think you can never get enough sleep. You can sleep the whole afternoon and still sleep in the night.

2. Procrastination: The false hope of thinking there is still time. The old fool will always make you feel you can get it done at anytime but not at the moment. he will make you relax for no reason.

3. Food: Gluttony is one of the deadliest sin God hates even. Too much food weakens your mind, even your body. You can hardly think when your stomach is over full. The old fool will always make you think without food you can do nothing.

4. Making you think God is talking to you: the devil can come into your mind and make you feel that you're listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit and by so doing giving you false hope and making you to relax and loose guard before he strikes.

Counter Measures you can you use to fight and defend yourself.

Against sleep: if you sleep throughout the afternoon then by all means be awake in the midnight till atleast 2am. Either you pray, read a book or watch a video on success on YouTube.

Against Procrastination: put pressure on yourself at all time. Every task must be completed instantly even as simple as to watch your clothes.

Against Food: Control your appetite, if you're hungry then by all means eat something if not relax and meditate on the word of God you want understanding and clarity on.

Against false voice: read and spend quality time reading the Bible because the voice behind the text of the scriptures is the voice of God when you become familiar with it then you can know when God is talking to you.

Fight against vain thoughts too, versions of old you, old habits. You have to continuously move away from such thoughts and imaginations.


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