4 Common Signs That Your Girlfriend Loves Having Sex - Naijahiblog.com


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Wednesday, June 22, 2016

4 Common Signs That Your Girlfriend Loves Having Sex

If, as a man, you believe you have a high libido, it is important to look out for a partner with these personality as it means they are more likely to have a higher SE.x:’ drive.

One huge cause of unhappiness, dissatisfaction and disappointment in any relationship is libido

incompatibility. This happens when one partner has a very high libido and the other has an extremely low SEx:’ drive.

If, as a man, you believe you have a high libido, it is important to look out for a partner with these personality as it means they are more likely to have a higher SEx:’ drive.

The following common characters can reveal to you the true SEx:’ual zeal of your partner:

1. Agreeableness:

A recent study shows that women that are more ‘agreeable’, in other words, women who attach a lot of importance to making sure they get along with others usually have high libido. These kind of women are non-confrontational and are hardly ever involved in conflict with others.

2. Easygoing:Women who are more easygoing, as opposed to women who are uptight, usually have a higher libido. Women who are not insecure, jealous, anxious are usually more likely to want SEx:’ more often.

3. Mysterious:

A woman who has a more mysterious trait is also more likely to be more S3@.x:’ual. She does not reveal too much information about herself and only tells you what you need to know. She might seem secretive as opposed to extremely open.

4. Open-mindedness:

Is she open-minded? Does she have tendency to always want to see other people’s perspective? Is she usually open to new ideas? Then she is more likely to have a higher SEx:’ drive.

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