Gender diversity is good for business -

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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Gender diversity is good for business

Seni Adetu

I deliberately dedicated the last couple of weeks of this column to the SME’s and young entrepreneurs. Increasingly, I am getting requests from readers to do a piece on gender diversity; and this explains today’s script. To start with, there are some “files” and “drifts” that many men have about our female working class that we must get rid of “like yesterday.”

Men who argue against women in senior positions will say it’s not about their IQ; but the distraction of the family life.  We say things like “a successful corporate woman cannot be a successful wife”, “a working woman managing a home gets distracted from both angles”, “women are not tough enough’’ etc.  Where are the facts? My take is that this self-fulfilling male chauvinism is designed to boost our egos as men. There are some roles that in our minds we consider unsuitable for women – manufacturing, engineering and sales. We have stereotyped women as suitable only for jobs in accounting, procurement, HR, customer service etc. People would tell you in the FMCGs that it’s not great practice posting ladies to sales as they would not be able to work till late as for instance, go to the bars, if working for a beverage company.

My response is that 50 per cent (or so) of the male sales people that work late stay in the bars to drink any way not exactly to prospect for sales. I mentioned in this column before the fact that when I got into a new manufacturing company, there was no toilet for ladies – all available six or seven toilets were designated “male” such that when we appointed our first lady engineer in the factory, the problem of how she would use the conveniences arose. We have taken the gender diversity argument to suit the conclusions that we have pre-determined. Are women’s leadership styles less effective than men’s? I don’t know that. In fact, there are those that posit that women have the ability to balance the behavioural dynamics within an organisation.

As a certain Julie Markey once said, “there is no evidence that maintaining the status quo of having a male-dominated, un-diverse team is better and more productive.” The truth is that women have their unique styles and perspectives and in the absence of these in the corridor of power, there’s only one loser – the organisation. Increasingly, several companies are appointing heads of diversity and inclusion confirming that this agenda has been escalated in the corporate board rooms. This is seemingly yielding desired results, albeit slowly. In 2000, women accounted for less than 12 per cent of Fortune 500 board of director membership. In one of the big multinationals I worked for in the mid – 2000’s; a target was set to achieve at least 33 per cent exco and board membership for women. I agree with the principle, but I quarrel with the target setting; as it has the risk of eliciting the wrong behaviour in recruitment terms (including lowering of standards for the sake of making up the numbers). I do not believe that women are asking to be unduly favoured. They are logically and rightly advocating for a chance to fulfill their potential. I dare say those resisting the need for female inclusion at the very top of corporate governance ladder are old-school. I was once a culprit too. I remember I was at a restaurant in London with about 15 colleagues – all directors of Diageo Africa about 10 years ago. We got discussing gender diversity and my contribution was clearly controversial. I said my problem with women in sensitive work positions was that I couldn’t deal with their three months out of work at a stretch on maternity leave. I went on to give examples of two of my employees at  Guinness Ghana where I was MD at the time, who had consistently taken three months off each year for three years having babies. Unknown to me, the two female directors sitting on my left and right were both pregnant. That was the day I realised white women also know how to “eye” people when upset, like African women do, as they gave it to me. I have since “repented.”

There are still many executives like my old self. I was speaking with a friend recently and discussing the governorship candidates of a particular state, and I mentioned a female prospect, but my friend immediately dismissed that possibility saying “X state is not ready for a female governor.” Really??? If Britain could have a female prime minister, Germany a female chancellor, Liberia a female president and banks in Nigeria such as Access Bank and First Bank could have female board chairpersons as they now do, I can’t imagine what role should be considered out of scope for women’s aspirations. We need to smell the coffee – the world is changing. In my view, diversity is good for business, and not just about fulfilling all righteousness. It just makes sense that the more diverse the team is, the more representative your business initiatives will be and the more successful you are. Ladies bring the perspective that completes the jig-saw.

In 2010, I led a team that acquired a major brewery operation in East Africa. When we got there, the culture was different. Instead of paying attention to that first, our disposition was to fix the commercial issues. We dived in, starting conversations and creating tension around portfolio strategy, five-year plan, supply chain optimisation issues, etc.

Unfortunately, we met a brick wall. It took a lady non-executive director during a board meeting to admonish us that we should have had conversations around why we did the acquisition, what’s in it for the employees; and our desire on ways of working.  All of us eight seasoned business executives (men) were left humbled by that. We had prioritised the commercial agenda above culture and got it wrong.

At times, we also need women for up-scaling morals in the corporate world.

I had a British colleague some time ago that would typically say to his staff “if not that there’s a woman in the room, I would have used the 4-letter word on you.” Where in the corporate directory for inspirational leadership does your 4-letter word appear? My conclusion is, women bring a perspective that’s different and not necessarily inferior to men’s, but which helps balance the equation of good corporate governance. In this week of the Valentine’s Day, let’s show some “corporate love” to our women.

Enjoy your week!

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