Has the amnesty programme achieved its objectives? - Naijahiblog.com


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Monday, February 12, 2018

Has the amnesty programme achieved its objectives?

The amnesty programme has achieved its objectives even though it is still ongoing. It is still funded and it is still being funded by the Federal Government. The Federal Government should also include the provision of working tools for beneficiaries after their training so that they can put what they learn into practice. The provision of such tools will assist these beneficiaries to train other people.

The current demand from leaders in the Niger Delta and calls for restructuring by the people are not within the mandate or terms of reference of the amnesty office. The Amnesty Office is different from the Pan-Niger Delta Forum which exists purely as a voice to engage with the government to ensure the development of oil producing areas.

I think that if the amnesty programme is scrapped, it would do more harm than good. Until a system is put in place to ensure that adequate jobs are created in the Niger Delta area, I think the programmme should continue. I believe the government is creating more avenues for the training of young people from the region but the Federal Government and the National Assembly should synergise to ensure that the programme is well-funded, especially in the area of provision of empowerment for youths who benefit from this training. This, I am sure, will assist beneficiaries to stand on their own and become employers of labour.

For instance, those trained in rubber technology should be empowered so that they can own farms and start producing rubber. This will reduce the import of rubber products and increase its export. So, I would say that training, under the Amnesty Programme is adequate but empowerment of the beneficiaries is not. The opportunity for employment is not there. But when you empower them, they would be able to employ themselves and others. •Colonel Paul Ogbebor (retd.) (A retired officer of the Nigerian Army)

The Amnesty Programme has not yet achieved all its objectives. Though the programme has succeeded in returning relative peace to the Niger Delta region, the Federal Government has so far failed to fulfil its side of the bargain.

The Federal Government was supposed to address the problems of the region; especially the question of resource ownership and management but that has not been done.

Implementation of key infrastructural projects and addressing the environmental challenges affecting the region have yet to be achieved.

In a nutshell, I am of the view that the Amnesty Programme has not realised its objectives. It has only restored peace to the region which has made it possible for the Federal Government to have free flow of oil thereby increasing government’s revenues.

However, some of the problems are still there. The problems such as the lack of fairness, equity and justice in the management of the resources for the development of the region have remained. •Mr. Eric Omare (President, Ijaw Youth Council Worldwide)

It has achieved its objective. It was set up mainly to restore peace to the Niger Delta region. There was an armed conflict, the programme was set up to bring this conflict to an end and to cater for the 30,000 people who accepted to surrender their arms and embrace the Federal Government’s offer of amnesty. The monthly stipends of the former agitators are being paid, most of them are being trained and exposed to skills acquisition in institutions at home and abroad and empowered. Even with the paucity of funds, their stipends have been paid up till December 2017. The only one outstanding is that of January 2018. As you know, the 2018 budget has not been passed. Secondly, over two third of them have been trained. I can give you statistics of those who have been educated and given vocational training in various fields. We have 1050 people who have so far graduated from the programme; we have 13 people who have studied up to the PhD level, there are several pilots, engineers, welders and the like, to that extent, the programme has achieved. On the issue of peace in the Niger Delta, you will agree with me that peace has largely been achieved and the Nigerian economy is the better for it, if you look at the oil production level, you will see a remarkable improvement from what it was before the programme was set up and what it is now. To the extent of the mandate given to the programme at inception, we have achieved. •Owei Lakemfa (Head of Media, Presidential Amnesty Programme Office)

One can say it has achieved to the extent that it has calmed agitations and restored relative peace in the Niger Delta region. However, the management of the programme by sons of the region still leaves much to be desired. Why do I say so, some of them have not succeeded in letting the people realise that the programme is desired largely to provide manpower needed for the development of the region in particular and Nigeria in general. Some of them see it as part of the culture of “settlement”, this ought not to be so because the region is yet to attain the level of development it deserves. If the people see it as an unending cycle of settlement then it has failed. •Emmanuel Ado (Kaduna-based media entrepreneur/ Public Affairs analyst)

The Amnesty Programme has, to a large extent, accomplished more for the people of Niger Delta region. Because of the Amnesty Programme, we have trained pilots, engineers, technicians, among several other professionals. We also have Niger Delta indigenes going abroad for training in different fields of human endeavour.

On the other hand, we cannot say that the Amnesty Programme has achieved all that it was set up to accomplish because we still have restiveness in the region. What triggered off the Amnesty Programme is still going on, like the occasional attacks on oil and gas pipelines. Young people now see the programme as a means to make money having seen the likes of Asari Dokubo, Boy Loaf, Tompolo and others who became stupendously wealthy from militancy, these youths now want to be like them. So, the entire process of the Amnesty Programme has to be thoroughly reviewed to change youth perception about such ventures. •Bassey Eyo (Publicity Secretary, All Progressives Congress Akwa Ibom State)

I think to a large extent, the amnesty programme for Niger Delta militants has worked.  At least, it has stopped the incessant attacks and sabotage of oil facilities. Of course, it has freed our security forces from being in the creeks. It has stopped the destruction of lives and property; I think it is a good thing. Anything that will save the lives of the people should be encouraged.

The only concern I have is people turning it into an industry because some people may say we want to destroy oil installations so that the Federal Government should pay them money. It should not become a financial payment industry like kidnapping. As long as we do not allow it to degenerate to that level, it is a good thing. So far, and to large extent, it has worked. Do not forget that one of the notorious kidnappers was one of those granted amnesty but he went back to his (old) ways.  It is something that we have to do with our eyes open so that the country does not fall victim of fortune seekers.  I think the programme is commendable. I even believe that even in war, you must discuss with the other side if you want peace.  That has been my position. It is in tandem with my thinking. They must ensure that there are no abuses and that all loopholes that are there are closed.

When people are granted amnesty, the security agencies should keep a tab on them to ensure that they do not go back to their criminal ways. The security agencies should also ensure that they have access to all the illegal arms. The government should get to know where all these sophisticated weapons came from in the first place. The government must ensure that people granted amnesty submit all arms and ammunition in their possession and not a situation where they will submit some and keep some for another round of amnesty. There must be an effective way of mopping up these arms. There must also be proper intelligence gathering by security agencies for effective monitoring. •Yusuf Ali (Senior Advocate of Nigeria)

Compiled by:   Success Nwogu, Simon Utebor, Etim Ekpimah and Alexander Okere

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source http://punchng.com/has-the-amnesty-programme-achieved-its-objectives/

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