Motorcycles, tricycles on Indian roads reminded me of Nigeria — Alex Okoroji -

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Saturday, February 10, 2018

Motorcycles, tricycles on Indian roads reminded me of Nigeria — Alex Okoroji

Popular actress, writer and media personality, Alex Okoroji, shares fond memories of her trip to India with JOY MARCUS

In which country did you have your most memorable travel experience?      

I would say India. I had always wanted to visit the country, especially because I loved the culture, having watched several Bollywood movies and some Asian channels on cable TV.

When did you travel to India?

I travelled to India for the first time in May 2017. I was invited to speak at a conference and to receive an ‘Iconic Woman Award’ at the 2017 Annual Global Women Economic Forum in New Delhi.

Did you travel alone or you went with a group?

I travelled alone. However, I met an amazing group of powerful women from around the world.

Do you recall some of the things that fascinated you when you arrived in India?

I was fascinated by their exotic fashion, music, and women with different skin shades and hair types. I also saw a lot of good-looking men too. All of that became apparent from the moment  I stepped into the airport. I was also intrigued about how clean the airport was and the fact that there was free wireless Internet connection. Having Wifi in public places is not a big deal anywhere else in developed countries, but I was pleasantly surprised at how developed India was in terms of technology.

How would you describe Indian culture and other things that clearly stand them out?

Their culture is very diverse; quite similar to Nigeria. Just like us, they are a multi-religious and multi-ethnic group of people who speak different languages. It was intriguing to see different tribes like the Gujarats, the Punjabis, the Bengalis and to discover how similar, yet diverse they all really are.

What are some of the foods that tickled your taste buds while in India?

I didn’t eat Nigerian food while there. I love non-vegetarian Indian food. Give me mutton or chicken tandoori and I’m good to go. I actually eat a lot of Indian food here in Nigeria; so, I felt right at home. I remember trying something like buns soaked in honey and it tasted like puff-puff. I loved waking up to drink Indian masala tea in the morning or even having it at noontime. I tried the pani-Pouri and different desserts.  I also remember trying the mango thick-shake.

How receptive were the people towards you?

They were very receptive. Everyone was polite, nice and they showed that they really loved me. Many of them said I was beautiful and I lost count of how many times I was referred to as a “tanned beauty.” I guess seeing a black person from Africa was exotic to them. I enjoyed being the foreigner, because I had good hosts who took adequate care of me.

Are Indians knowledgeable about Nigeria?

Many of them know about Nigeria because they have friends and family who work here. Those who didn’t know about Nigeria were quite curious about learning about our country, the culture and what they had heard in the media about us. I was asked a lot of questions about Nigeria and I was very pleased to answer.

Which were some of the tourist attractions that you visited during your stay?

You don’t want to ever go to India and not see the Taj Mahal. I also drove around the city of New Delhi, checking out the embassies, central hospitals, the central temple and other places. I didn’t do as much sightseeing as I would have loved to, as I was also there for work.

Are there similarities between Bollywood and Nollywood?

You cannot compare Bollywood with Nollywood. India is believed, by some, to be the holy grail of arts and culture. However, there is room for major synergy and collaboration, especially with the similarities and diversities in our cultures. I really think that Nollywood can learn several things from Bollywood. I met several filmmakers and we had intense and interesting conversations about working together and bringing some of my colleagues from Nigeria to star in a few films and attend film festivals in India. Right now, I am working on my first film production and it will feature a combination of Bollywood and Nollywood stars.

Which other countries would you like to visit?

I would love to visit Brazil, Spain, Italy and many other exotic countries, especially where I have collaborators and friends.

What advice can you offer prospective travellers?

Always carry a spare phone charger in a hand luggage; so, you can make Wifi calls while in transit. Make sure your credit card or debit card works at any international airport. Learn a few words of the language spoken in the country you are visiting, as you will need to interact with people. It is important to leave a good impression that you respect your host culture.

How would you assess the security of lives and property in India while you were there?

India seemed pretty safe to me because we rode scooters.On a particular night, we got ice cream and visited a temple. I did not notice anything out of the ordinary. Every country has bad elements but I didn’t have any nasty experience.

Did anything in India remind you about home?

Yes. There are lots of people there; it felt like I was in Lagos. Seeing the scooters, motorcycles and tricycles on the road reminded me a bit about Nigeria.

Was there anything you saw in India that you would like to see replicated in Nigeria?

The Indira market was clean and extremely quiet; I was literally shocked. Nobody shouted at you or talked at the top of their voices. People quietly went about their businesses without disturbing anybody. Imagine visiting Oshodi market and you meet it absolutely spotless and peaceful. That would be a fantastic dream to see come to life.

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