I believe Ajimobi will support me to become governor –Shittu - Naijahiblog.com


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Saturday, March 31, 2018

I believe Ajimobi will support me to become governor –Shittu

Minister of Communications, Adebayo Shittu, in this interview with EVEREST AMAEFULE, discusses issues ranging from his activities as a minister to campaign for President Muhammadu Buhari, exit of his aides and his ambition to become the next governor of  Oyo State

You superintend a ministry that is supposed to be at the centre of the knowledge economy. So, how has it been overseeing the Ministry of Communications?

I recall that when I was initially appointed as Minister of Communications, there were protests by stakeholders who felt that appointing a lawyer to head the ministry amounted to putting a round peg in a square hole.

They felt that it would have been better to have an expert to handle the ministry. Of course, Mr. President was steadfast in ensuring that I remain here. It is instructive that within one and half years of my appointment, stakeholders under the auspices of the Nigerian Computer Society gave me fellowship of the society. That would show you how well they are satisfied with my performance.

When I came on board, the first thing I did was to appreciate that there was no policy to drive the ICT industry.  So what we did was to convoke a retreat of all stakeholders and experts from within Nigeria and from without. We gathered at the IITA Ibadan. We brainstormed and exchanged ideas.

We looked at where the ICT industry was coming from. We looked at where it should be going. Consequently, we evolved what has become the ICT Roadmap 2017 to 2020. I am happy to state that in all facets of the ministry with regard to all the agencies of the ministry, we are making steady progress.

We now have guidelines as to all the trajectories that should be followed. In telecommunications, for instance, which is the most popular of the subsectors, there were massive complaints from the people, particularly about quality of service.

I recall that the Nigerian Communications Commission which is an agency of the ministry declared last year the year of the consumer. Today, by the grace of God, complaints have reduced drastically. One of the projects implemented by NCC was the Do Not Disturb option. They also implemented the toll-free line which enables consumers to complain and the complaints are addressed immediately with the respective companies.

In the area of satellite communications, we have one satellite in the orbit. Today, rather than one satellite, we are looking at acquiring two more satellites. We were not only able to get the China EXIM Bank to procure two more satellites; we have got them to agree to fully finance the satellites.

By the time we acquire those two satellites, we will have the capacity to cover the whole of Africa. We will also get customers from outside the country. Today, millions of dollars are being spent on satellite companies abroad. Customers do not have confidence in a company that has only one satellite.

In NIPOST, we are embarking on rapid modernisation and commercialisation. We will have a NIPOST banking and insurance company, a property and development company, transport and logistics company, an e-commerce service company, and e-government services company. These are some of the many ideas that we are pursuing. We are confident that within a couple of years, the communications industry will dramatically improve.

You mentioned communications policy; are you saying there was none before you came in?

There was none.

But when Mrs. Omobola Johnson was here, she gave us a converged ICT policy.

 I am telling you authoritatively now that we now have for the first time an ICT Roadmap, 2017 to 2020 which covers all the segments of the industry. Perhaps, there were segments but ours is the first ICT Roadmap.

Let us take you on the communications satellite. Why is it difficult for even government agencies to patronise the communications satellite and do you think the satellite company has done so well to deserve two new communications satellites?

Let me give you an analogy, you have a transport company with a vehicle plying Lagos – Abuja. You suddenly found that the vehicle does not have a spare tyre. Would you have the same confidence in utilising the vehicle which could have a tyre burst on the way?

We had NigComSat-1 which crashed. If we didn’t have a backup, naturally people would not have confidence because they would think that, if they put their data in it, it could crash and they would lose all their data and that is why they go overseas. I believe that if we have backup (this is a big business), we can have the whole of the African continent and even beyond as potential market.

Even MDAs don’t patronise the satellite.

They don’t patronise because of the same issue of trust and confidence. It is about business. When people patronise, they pay, of course. Whenever you are paying, you want to be sure that such facility or services are reliable and enduring.

Now the second part of the question; given our experience, is there a justification for the plan to buy two more satellites?

It is justified in the sense that we are looking at a business whose potential is limitless if we have these extras. The good thing now is that the company which is sponsoring it is bringing the satellites without our government having to spend a kobo. They are coming in with those two satellites as their equity participation in the running of NigComSat-1R.

There is a difference between equity participation and loan. Are they giving us loan or are they coming in as equity holders?

It is not loan. We have a policy of discouraging taking of loans in this government unless it becomes extremely inevitable. For NigComSat 2 and 3, it is not about loan; it is about equity participation.

If we are talking about equity participation, what percentage are we giving to the Chinese?

We will have to quantify all the ground equipment and one satellite. The two satellites they are bringing in cost $550m. Now, we will have to quantify the cost of one satellite that we have and the cost of the ground infrastructure. A committee is looking into all of that before we sign the deal.

That means that we will not be repaying any loan.

We will not repay any loan because it is equity participation.

We will take it that you have said something new today.

We thank God; that is the truth of it.

When you came in, you said you would turn the industry to a cash cow. Can you say that has happened?

It has happened and it would continue to happen.

How has it happened?

When I said that the ICT industry would be a cash cow, it does not mean that this would be directly seen only in the government coffers. You must accept that it is the policy of this government that government has no business in business. So, what government is authorised to do is to create the enabling environment for the private sector to run their businesses. We are not competing with the MTNs of this world or the Glos in running telecoms companies.

In all the areas of ICTs except in the areas it is not possible for the private companies to acquire all that is required as we were talking of NigComSat (It is an intervention. If the private sector was able to do it, Nigerian government wouldn’t invest in it). In the area of telecoms, for instance, we regulate, monitor and ensure that rules are being kept.

Even then, you will agree with me that the licences that are being bought and acquired and the regular fees that they pay are significant enough for us to say that we are getting value from the running of these companies in Nigeria.

You said that government has no business in business. Pursuing that line of argument, some have said that it is unfair for government to hand over all the MDAs to a government company called Galaxy Backbone Plc. What do you say to that?

Galaxy Backbone is the government company which interconnects all of Federal Government offices across the country to ensure that our e-government policy is able to run properly particularly as of today, if people want information about government, they have to write or they have to come to Abuja.

Once we execute the contract which is the phase two of the project, it would be easy for all federal offices in whatever state to connect on the same portal.

The time Nigerians were mourning the killings in Benue State was also the time you were selling Buhari’s second term to Nigerians, you were trying to distribute caps and other campaign materials among the ministers. What happened?

What could have happened? Could anybody have given me notice that there were killings somewhere? And did that stop the fact that people who wanted to eat would have eaten or people who wanted to hold meeting would have been holding their meeting? People who wanted to do so many other things would have been doing them. So, I don’t see the connection.

The connection is that we were in mourning mood.

Who was in mourning mood?


I don’t know what you mean by mourning mood. Killings have always been happening in so many areas. And to the best of my knowledge, the security people who should take action had been mobilised. So, I don’t see the way the issue of holding our meetings and engaging in what you call distribution of caps make the mourners not to mourn again (or that reduces whatever was happening).Engagements happen every now and then. As far as I am concerned, there was nothing to discourage me from what I did or prevent me from what I did at that time.

That means that you can do it again.

Do what again? Are you saying that people should continue killing themselves? You see, the issue of my support for Mr. President is a national duty. It is a patriotic duty because for once, we have a leader that we can trust will not steal our money; we have a leader who can be trusted to be focused.

We have a leader who can be trusted to provide impartial administration for this country. We have a leader who sympathises sincerely with the Nigerian situation and who has been making sincere efforts towards achieving success.

So, for me, we as Nigerians have a duty to sustain and encourage that type of leadership to ensure that others are also brought into the struggle particularly in an atmosphere of naysayers who because they have lost the booties of the immediate past would do everything to paint this government black.  So, as far I am concerned, what I did was patriotic duty as and I will continue to do it.

So many people think that this government and President Buhari have squandered the goodwill they had with the people.

Which people?

Nigerians; the electorate.

Well, you should wait for the next election to know whether he has squandered it or not. People will continue to deceive themselves. What are the statistics of the last two elections? In 2011, General Buhari contested the election. He scored a little above 12 million votes; 12 million plus came from the North. Less than 200,000 came from the entire South.

 In 2015, he got 15 million votes. Again, 12 million plus came from the North; three million came largely from the Southwest. From the entire South-South and Southeast, he got less than 200,000 votes. So, it is the same people who refused to vote for him that are crying loud.

For me, I am happy that much as people will continue to make noise that he has squandered the goodwill; so many conscientious Nigerians from across the Niger – both Southeast and South-South – are coming on board. I can assure you that the test period will be the next general election.

The man that said he had squandered the goodwill of Nigerians happens to come from the South.

Who is that?

Archbishop John Onaiyekan

Bishop Onaiyekan is from Kogi State. In any case, he does not speak the mind of Nigerians. Perhaps, he is speaking the mind of members of his church. Has he taken any sample? Has he taken any vox populi to be able to get to that conclusion? Did such person even vote for Buhari to start with? Anybody who did not vote for him to start with cannot be heard to say that that he squandered his own goodwill because he never gave Buhari the chance to win, anyway. We know what many of these people did in the 2015 election. So, as for me I am a Nigerian like him. He has one vote, I have one vote but I am assuring you that 2019 would be the discerning year.

With all the accusations of nepotism; ineptitude and incompetence, you still think you have a good product?

By the grace of God, we have a good product which is selling and which will continue to sell. What is the evidence about nepotism? We know the constitution of the last government. We know those who controlled the last government at that time. I don’t want to go into details now because I know that a lot of sympathy is also coming from those areas that hitherto didn’t vote for him.

So, if anybody is talking of nepotism, what is the justification? We had an election in 2015; we know the results of the election. If you will go strictly by what contribution everybody made, today the Southeast with five states would not have four substantial ministers. The Northwest which gave so much votes to Buhari have about three ministers of state. They should be the ones saying they are being marginalised because what they have does not reflect what they put in. So, what is nepotism about it? In the cabinet, we have 36 members; we have 18 Muslims and 18 Christians. So, what is nepotism about it?

Today, N100bn of Sukuk loan is being used to build roads in the Southeast of Nigeria. So, what is nepotism about it? Southeast had major control in the last government but these roads were never done. People were more interested in putting money into their pockets than in developing their own home states. This is the government of Buhari which is now improving on the situation; is now being charitable and generous to all sections and people are talking of nepotism; what is nepotism there?

Okay; we know you have governorship ambition.

By the grace of God I will be governor of Oyo State in 2019.

Some people think that because you have governorship ambition, you have abandoned the ministry and gone full blast with politicking.

What evidence is there that I have abandoned this ministry? You find me at work each time I am supposed to be here. You find me postulating policies. You find me actively engaged in conferences within Nigeria and outside Nigeria (in the ICT sector). You find me always attending to all invitations by stakeholders from all parts of this country. So, what is the evidence?

In any case, you must remember that I was not picked by the street. I came in here because I am a politician; I will remain one. In the process of being a politician, whether I am in government office or not, I will continue to play politics because politics is what sustains my being here.

Six of your aides resigned recently. Some people are saying, this man that wants to be governor but cannot manage his aides; how can he manage a state?

Number one, your premise is wrong and baseless with due respect to you. When I came on board in November 2015, I engaged some staff (aides) in the belief that some of my agencies would agree to be paying their salaries because government didn’t provide for me to recruit aides. Government provided only for personal assistant and said for PA, I must pay him N50, 000 per month.

So for the SAs, when I discovered that I couldn’t pay them, I decided to sack four of them. I sacked them; they didn’t resign on their own free volition. If anybody withdrew his services, again with respect to him; I wouldn’t want to go into details out of respect for him. In any case, I relieved about four of them of their appointments.

I took two of them. There was an SA Media whom I recruited because at the time I brought him in, he was the only Christian who applied for the job. All the other people that applied to be SA were Muslims. As a good Muslim, I wanted to have both Christians and Muslims working for me because I had to be proactive in leadership.

Again, there was another one, SA Special Duties. I didn’t recruit him. A religious group which he belongs to appealed to me to engage him as an SA. I said to them, I just disengaged about four or five. What would those I disengaged say if they hear that I have engaged new hands? They said he didn’t need any salary; that all he needed was experience.

So, on the basis of that; I engaged him. About a month after, he came to me to say that that the group which I respect very well said that they would be responsible for only his accommodation; that I should take care of his transport and other costs. I said no; that wasn’t our agreement; that I was not going to pay.

On June 10, 2016, I gave a letter to my SA Media saying that I would be paying him N100, 000 per month. I paid him N500, 000 to start with (to cover five months). On two other occasions, I got N500, 000s and paid to him – making it N1.5m.

Along the line, I learnt that he was complaining that his salaries were not regular. What was interesting was that he was also hosting and conniving with my political enemies who were coming to meetings in his office. And I felt that he was stretching his luck too far. I said I must relieve him of his appointment and pay him off on the basis of the June 10, 2016 letter.

The sacking letter was dated 14th of March this year. The letter had attached to it, a bank draft of N1.3m to cover 13 months because he had spent a total of 28 months. I had paid him N1.5m and now N1.3m, making it N2.8m. I can give you photocopies of the letters.

I have paid him fully. Having given him a letter of disengagement on the 14th of March, he went to bring a letter requesting for accumulated emoluments backdated to March 12, 2018 but delivered to this office on 21st. The delivery date shows that he backdated it.

This was after he had collected his bank draft and letter of disengagement. He was requesting for N500, 000 per month. If I as a minister earn N800, 000; how logical is it for anybody to expect me to pay from my salary N500, 000 to one person? Even a permanent secretary at the federal level does not earn that much. I do not owe him.

Of course, he has used the opportunity to abuse me, to tell lies against me. By the grace of God, I am going to take him to court to come and prove all his fallacies against me.

Since we are talking about SAs now, let us dispose of all the issues. Your SA Media accused you of corruption – houses and exotic cars you have acquired – a stupendous lifestyle.

He will have the opportunity to come and defend those allegations.

In your quest to become the next governor of Oyo State, you also have issues with incumbent governor. There have been some spats between both of you. How do you want to become the governor without the support of your party man who is the incumbent governor?

You know very well that nobody plays god and gets away with it. We have a party constitution which says that there shall be primary elections for a candidate to emerge. The governor is my brother, I can tell you that.

We contested against each other in 2011. I was candidate for Congress for Progressive Change; he was candidate for Action Congress of Nigeria. He defeated me at that time. I visited him to congratulate him.

In 2015 when we became APC, he was running for a second term; I wanted his seat. Again, through some activities (I don’t want to open old wounds), he got the ticket and I went to court to retrieve the ticket from him.

I had to abandon that case only because I got appointed as minister. So, if you look at that background; for some, it may be the basis for antagonism but as far I am concerned, I want his support; I want the support of everybody. That is not to say that he would stop me. By the grace of God, I believe he too will support me at the end of the day to become governor.

There are also those in the local councils that accused you of overheating the polity. Don’t you think you need their support too?

You don’t make flying allegations – allegations that don’t have content. What did they say I have done to overheat the polity?

They said that you were causing unnecessary tension in the state.

Let me help you. I am a democrat; I am also a progressive. I am a man of the law. If the law said there should be primary, I will insist that there should be primary. Anybody who tries to become a dictator, who tries to impose a candidate on us; I will never support such. I will resist it. I have been doing this all my life.

I have been in politics since 1979. I was a member of the Oyo State House of Assembly between 1979 and 1983. I was twice a commissioner in the state. So, I am not new in politics. I have always insisted that things should be done properly.

So, people who do not believe in orderliness, in being law abiding, in getting things done in accordance with the law will continue to have problem with me. I don’t have problem with anybody because I know that the law must take its course.

Our party is All Progressive Congress. We must not be mere claimers to being progressives. We must ensure that we do things differently from what all other anti-progressive people or elements will do.

So now, you can understand from what I have said that people who find it difficult to be law abiding, people who want to misappropriate other people’s rights will continue to have problem with me. If I don’t have hope that I will win, I will not waste my time but I know that 2019 will be my year and by the grace of God, I will be governor of Oyo State.

Are you suggesting that the incumbent governor wants to impose a candidate on the party?

Well, he has his own choices. I will be a fool to deny that that is a wish he would love to have except that I am also interested and I think the law is on my side and we must have primaries and I am preparing for primaries and he too would concede to the fact that we must have primaries.

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source http://punchng.com/i-believe-ajimobi-will-support-me-to-become-governor-shittu/

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