Differences Between Demonic Initiation And Christian Spiritual Awakening - Naijahiblog.com


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Sunday, April 19, 2020

Differences Between Demonic Initiation And Christian Spiritual Awakening

JESUS Christ turns water to wine, Satan turns wine to water (his followers use charm to prove they can drink so much wine as water without being intoxicated). JESUS makes you know you are already a Miracle, Satan tells you that you are worthless unless he helps you become a "miracle". Spiritual realm is very real and only Christians seems to be far too dependent on the physical than on the Spiritual. But if you have noticed that the long prophesied Great End Time Revival that must happen before JESUS comes has started already. Few years ago, I never thought it was possible for the lust-enslaved me to become the real spiritual Being that Holy Spirit has made me now. The scales shall continue to fall from the eyes of as many humans that really hunger to be reconnect back to our CREATOR. As YAHWEH ELOHIM liveth and HIS Spirit liveth on HIS eternal Throne forever, many that read this would soon become mighty spiritual Giants of JESUS Christ. Mark this Prophesy!

Don't be deceived by the sophistication of demonic spiritism. Many of my white friends that left Christianity to become New Agers and Homosexual Satanists are back into Christ. They told me that there was Zero peace for their souls while there. Satan makes you feel you are spiritually powerful but he also doesn't really hide that you shall end with him in eternal Hellfire. Yes, there are 2 sides in the Spirit Realm. Our CREATOR's side and the Deceivers side. Concisely put, "JESUS' mission is to turn water to wine, while Satan's mission is to turn wine to water" (the wise should think deeply about this. For it would take me a full day to explain how Holy Spirit reveal this.)

Satan presents his complicated "sophisticated" ritualistic occult spiritism through women to men as a better alternative to God's simple way of becoming powerful because he knows that women like to be thrilled. And once he gets the women, he gets the men through them. Is Real Spiritual Awakening Occult Related? No, it is NOT. afraid that,
2 Corinthians 11:3 “But I am afraid that the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness(sophistication), your minds will be led astray from the Simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ."

The breath of God is the spirit of your CREATOR that HE gave to you. Satan blind people to this miracle, and tell them that they need demons to enter them for higher enlightenment that is not capable of resurrecting them to live forever as we that do the simple Will of the CREATOR shall be risen back to life as proven by JESUS.

To many, the only true Way to receive Immortality seems to be too SIMPLE. Accept and permanently surrender to JESUS Christ, and relentlessly pray that Holy Spirit should take permanent Control of the Source of your thoughts. For a Christian, to be spiritually awakened means to listen and obey what our CREATOR says. HE speaks, HE is a speaking ever present God. Christian spiritual awakening is not like demonic initiation that gives immediate false enlightenment, it is mostly gradual and the pace is largely dependent on how focused on being Holy and pleasing your CREATOR you are. The most important Law that get humans powerful is in Luke 10:27 "You shall love the LORD your God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might." The more holy you become, the clearer Holy Spirit talks with you. Start your spiritual awakening by reading the Book of John from Chapter 1 to the last Chapter, you can never remain the same.

After then, whenever you wake in the middle of the night or in the morning, don't rush to turn or leave your bed. Rather, lay still and recall your dreams. That is the easiest means by which our CREATOR speaks to us directly, but many have not been hearing God because devil has deceived them to think dreams are useless. As time goes on, if you pay serious attention to your dreams and do what God is communicating to you through them, you will graduate to prophesying, and if it is still HIS Will for you, you will graduate to seeing clear Visions and Trance experiences. Gradually as you yield to Holy Spirit and pray more, you will become a mighty spiritual giant for YAHWEH in this World in JESUS' Name.

The major difference is that Satan use the complicated thrilling demonic Initiation to get humans to sign off their rights to live forever, while Simple spiritual way of life in Christ truly reconnects you us back to the SOURCE of Life and restores our ability to truly live forever to you. Give your life to JESUS Christ today and pray that Holy Spirit should take permanent Control of the Source of your thoughts. God bless you!

source http://www.nairaland.com/5802700/differences-demonic-initiation-christian-spiritual

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