Categories Of Martyrs In Islam - Shayk Sulaimon Amubieya -

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Friday, May 1, 2020

Categories Of Martyrs In Islam - Shayk Sulaimon Amubieya

Types of martyrs in Islaam -by Ustaadh Sulaiman Amubieya (May Allaah preserve him upon goodness).

Those who, on death, could be said to have died for the sake of Allaah and be termed martyrs are of 3 (categories):
-The first (group) are the martyrs of both this world and the hereafter.
-The second (group) are the martyrs of this world only; they died as martyrs in this world although on the day of judgement they would not be honoured as martyrs.
-The third (group) are martyrs of the hereafter only. They do not qualify as martyrs in this world yet on the day of judgement they would be identified as those who died in the cause of Allaah.

So, who are the martyrs of this world and the hereafter? They are those who were killed to hinder them from spreading the word of Allaah. They were wrongly murdered: murdered because of their religion, murdered because she (wore) the Hijab, murdered because he kept the beard, murdered because his garment hung above the ankle, murdered because he refused Riba, murdered because he was a husband of a (Niqabi), murdered because he read the Qur’an, murdered because he carefully followed the (teachings) of the Prophet (SallaLlaahu 'Alaayhi Wassalaam).

Whether they were killed with a machete, a knife or a bomb, they are martyrs in this world and the hereafter. Such persons would be buried with their blood-soiled clothes: their clothes should not be changed, their blood should not be washed off either. Are they to be prayed upon or not? The opinion of the scholars differs regarding this. Some of the (scholars) opined that their corpses would be dealt with just like the Prophet (SallaLlaahu 'Alaayhi Wassalaam) did to those who were killed in the battlefield. They won’t be washed because the Prophet (SallaLlaahu 'Alaayhi Wassalaam) said when Allaah would raise them up (on the day of judgement), their (unwashed) blood would be an evidence that they died in the cause of Allaah.
Their blood would have the smell of musk that no nose has ever smelled before. Their body was not washed on earth and that is how they would be resurrected in front of their Lord.

The martyrs of this world (only)…
Are we to pray (Janaazah) on them? Shaykh continues, "I said earlier that the scholars differed regarding that (matter).
The martyr of the world is one who participated in war, was killed and mutilated, but his going (to the war) was not for the sake of Allaah. He never had any intention of doing it for Allaah's sake. We are the ones who may not wash his body, nor change his cloth (ignorantly), thinking he was a martyr. That is for this world, because we deal with his body based on what is apparent to us. On the day of judgement, Allaah would not raise him among the ranks of the martyrs.

The third is the martyr of the hereafter...
Those are the ones who were killed by plagues. We would wash their body, change their clothes and prayed upon them. After that, we go and bury them. This is how we do for every Muslim that dies naturally, but on the day of judgement, the (one that died in a plague) would be raised by Allaah as a martyr. There now comes some questions. We are well aware that there is a difference between a plague and a pandemic. So if someone dies due to a pandemic and it is established that touching the dead body might get others infected, should we wash the person, should we pray on the person? We would be speaking on that subsequently when Allaah permits.

Transcribed by Sulaiman Olayinka Saddiq


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